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Relevance Score: 1
Miscellaneous Amendments Ordinance 1992 No 37.1992 An ordinance to cany out certain law reforms. Wheroos k Is expedient to amend certain ordinances. Now the Synod of the DIocese of Sydney Hereby Ordains Declares Directs and Rules as follows - Citation 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the '…
Relevance Score: 1
Mittagong Licensing Ordinance 1992 No 33, 1992 An Ordinance to authorise the grant of a licence to the Council of the Shire of Wingecarribee for the use of part of the land on which St Stephen's Anglican Church Mlllagong is situated and for other purposes. Whereas A. The Property Trust is Ihe…
Relevance Score: 1
Neutral Bay Rectory Sale Orc(inance 1989 Amending Ordinance 1992 No 9, f992 An Ordinance to vary the trusts on which the proceed:, from the sale of certain land are held. o Whereas A The Properly Trust Is the trustee of certain monelrs and holds the same on the trusts set forth in the Neutral Bay…
Relevance Score: 1
Quaker's Hill Sale Ordinance 1992 No 16, 1992 An Ordinance to authorise the sale of certain land and to vary the certain trusts. Whereas A The Property Trust is the registered proprietor of the land (the "Land'1 in folio identifiers 1/168238 and 2/168238 which land has frontage to…
Relevance Score: 1
3, The Land shall be held on trust to permit the same to be used fOr a Church, parsonage (lr parish hall or partly for I)ne and partly for another or others of such purposes In connection with the Anglican Church of Australia Diocese of Sydney in the Parish or such other parish into' which…
Relevance Score: 1
Relevance Score: 1
Revesby Land Sale Ordinance 1992 Amendment Ordinance 1992 No 22, 1992 An Ordinance to 1l.11end the provisions of the Revesby Land Sale Ordinance 1992 which provide for the application of the prCJceeds of sale of certain land at Revesby. Whereas A. Certain property ('1he ProperlY')…
Relevance Score: 1
Revesby Land Sale Ordinance 1992 No 5,1992 An Ordinance to authorise the sale of certain property known as 5 Haddon Crescent, Reves~i W1d to provide fOr the proceeds of sa,le thereof. if . Whereas A Anglican Church Property Tltlst Diocese of Sydney (previously known as Churoh of England Property…
Relevance Score: 1
Richmond (Agnes Banks) Sale Ordinance 1992 No 21,1992 An Ordinance to authorise the sale of certain land at Agnes Banks. Whereas A. The Property Trust is seised in fee simple of the land C'Land") at Agnes Banks near Richmond being the land described in Conveyance Registered Book 409 No…
Relevance Score: 1
No 2,1992 / t An Ordinance to amend cerlaln provisions of the Ayde (K1rkby Gardens Archbold BUilding and' 2 Utile Church Street) Ordinance 1968. Whereas B. The said review has taken p1c-ce. C. The Parish of Ayde ("the Parish') wish to amend the distribution of Inoome arising from…
Relevance Score: 1
Ryde (Livingstone L1odge) Ordinance 1973 Amendment Ordinance 1992 No 3, 1992 An Ordinance to vary certain trusts set out In the Ryde (Uvlngstone Lodge) Ordinance 1973. Whe'eas A Clause 6 of the Ryde (Uvingstone Lodge) Ordinance 1973 (the "Principal Ordinance") provides for the…
Relevance Score: 1
St James· Sydney, Phillip Street Property Ordinance 1962 Amending Ordinance 1992. No 26,1992 An Ordinance to vary the trusts on which certalr. property is held. Whereas A. The land described in the Schedule to the St James' Syt!ney Phllllp Street Property Ordinance 1962 (the "…
Relevance Score: 1
St ,John's Kings Cross Lease Am~mdment Ordinance 1992' )\:~ ~"'.,;- No 1. 1992 " An Ordinance to authorise the amendment of a Lease of certain property. Whereas pursuant to and In accordance With the provisions of the St JOhn's King Cross leasing/ Ordinance 1988 (…
Relevance Score: 1
St John's Kings Cross Leasing Distributio,f1 Ordinance 1992 :;. No 131, 1992 An Ordinance to authorise the distribution of cerialn rElntal moneys. Whereas " (i) Oil Oil) (b) 0) l 01)\\ (J Oli) • A Under the St Johri's Kings Cross Leasing Ordinance 1992 (the "Leasing…
Relevance Score: 1
., • SI John's ICngs Cross leasing Ordinance 1992 No 42,1992 An "Ord,lnance lovary the trusts of cer!aln 'property to auihorise the leasing thereof and for other pUrposej$ incldantal thereto. Where~s A.lba land iLand; described In the FIrst Schedule and the second…
Relevance Score: 1
St Paul's Canley Heights Lease Ordinance 1981 Amendment Ordinance 1992' An Ordinance to vary certain trusts. Whereas No 11, 1992 , A. By St Pauls Canley Heights Lease Ordinance 1981 ("Principal Ordinance') rental Income was applied by the Property Trust as set out In clause 3(2…
Relevance Score: 1
" ,~ \,; "',., ;; 1', • • StPhilip's iSydney Y()rkStr~et .Property Leasing Ordinance 1992 No 92, 1992 . An OrdinClnce to vary the St Philip's Sydney York SIreet Property leasing Ordinance 1966 so as to Pfovide for the application of income from…
Relevance Score: 1
Sussex Inlet. Mortgaging Ordinance .1992 NO 45,1992 ,;. ; v J An Ordinance .10 authorise the mortgaging ofcartaln land at Sussex Inlet and 10 PfOvioo far the application of the proceeds thereof. "(( Wh~~eaS A. The Property Trust Is the registered proprietQl" of the IMd ("l.aIld…
Relevance Score: 1
1\ '.' Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation Ordinance 1947 Amending Ordinance 1992 "Archbishop's Appointees", at llIiy Ume, means the persons who are members of the Corporation and who have been llppolnted pursuant to ClauSG 3.1 (b). "Chairman" at any Ume, means…
Relevance Score: 1
,(b) By inserting at the end of the dellnItlon of the term "Member" in clause 2 the following words - "but for the purposes of clauses 14(1) and 14(2) does not include an Inactive Member." (c) By Inserting after the word "Member" when secondly appearing in clause 12(6…
Relevance Score: 1
I / I I \?, Ordinance to authorise the snle of certain land at Sylvania and the appiicatim of the proceeds of sale. 1 Whereas d l A. The Propetly Tmst is the registered proprietor of Lot 3 of Section 3 In Deposited Plan 800 and Lot A in Deposited Plan 398653 phe Land"). B. The Land…
Relevance Score: 1
" . Synod •Representaiive (Election'Bt Annual Vestry MeetingS) Ordinance 1992 No 40,1992 An Ordinance to amend the Synod Representative and MIlmbershlp Qrdlnance 1945 and the church Administration Ordinance 1990 so as 10 provide for the election of parochial rep1esentaUvee at…
Relevance Score: 1
Relevance Score: 1
.An Ordinance to authorise the leasing Of certain land at Vauoluse and for matters incidental thereto. Whereas A. The Property Trust Is"the rlll1isteredproprietor of the land ("ME!usoleum Land") described In ljle First Schedule.on which is consttuctedthe Wenlworth Mausoleum. a. The…