Developing and Supporting Clergy

The Anglican Diocese of Sydney provides assistance to clergy and their spouses at all stages of ministry, who may be struggling amidst the demands of parish ministry or may be seeking to develop further in their ministry. Assistance is available in a variety of formats, including counselling for individuals and couples, one to one mentoring, peer group support, professional development programs and other support services.


Clergy Assistance Program

The Clergy Assistance Program is provided by the Sydney Anglican Diocese, in partnership with Anglicare, to support clergy licensed to a Sydney Anglican parish and their spouse. Clergy and their spouse may access the Clergy Assistance Program together or independently. Contacting the Clergy Assistance Program offers a safe and confidential opportunity to discuss issues and concerns with a clinically trained Christian counsellor who supports the values and ethos of the Diocese of Sydney.


Ministry Training and Development

Ministry Training and Development (MT&D) provides an intentional, self-directed and supportive approach to help ministers maintain their zeal and fervour in serving the Lord for the whole of their ministry. The Lifelong Ministry Development program includes devising a development plan, meeting regularly with a ministry peer and reflecting on their learning. To find out more go to

MT&D also offers 

  • Pastoral Staff Review training for rectors
  • Training in using the ‘Prepare/Enrich Inventory’ for couples considering marriage
  • A Marriage Enrichment Retreat for couples in ministry

All the details can be found at


Centre for Ministry Development

The Centre for Ministry Development (CMD) is a centre of Moore theological college committed to supporting those in ministry to be effective. The Developing Rectors Program is a two year program to support newly appointed Rectors or Senior Pastors as they transition into their new role. It includes induction and orientation, skills training, ministry training, ministry support and peer support by a mentor. More information is available at and the Developing Rectors page.