Survey Help

        Sydney Diocesan Services (SDS) occasionally uses Survey Monkey to generate forms to conduct surveys, hold ballots for elections, or arrange member preferences for Synod printing. When we do so, the sender of the survey will typically send an initial email advising that the survey is on its way and provide a link to this page in case your expected survey doesn’t turn up.

        We have found that a small number of users experience trouble receiving the emails sent from SurveyMonkey, typically due to one of a handful of reasons. The following are actions to be taken to identify and correct the problem.

        1. Check your email program ‘Junk’ folder, to see if the email is in there. If so, please take the opportunity to mark the sender as ‘not Junk’ so that the problem isn’t repeated with future emails. 
        2. If your email account is provided by your work or an organisation with an IT department, enquire if there is a firewall blocking emails from SurveyMonkey. Providing your IT team with the date the email was sent is helpful for them to find the problem.
        3. It is possible that at some point in the past, you have instructed Survey Monkey never to send you emails to that email account. SurveyMonkey honours these requests unless you subsequently instruct them otherwise. If this has been the case for you, you can opt back in to Survey Monkey and advise the sender of the survey once you have opted back in successfully (as a second email will need to be sent).
        4. If all of these fail, you may respond to the sender of the survey providing an alternative email address to use for our communications to you, and request a resend of the Survey link to your alternative email address.