The Rev Tom Halls - St John's Darlinghurst: talk by Ms McRae McMahon 1998

        9. The Rev Tom Halls asked

        (a) Was the report on page 6 of the Sydney Morning Herald on Monday 12 October, 1998 accurate, when it quoted the chief executive of Anglican Media, Deaconess Margaret Rodgers as saying that "as far as she knew there were no objections from church hierarchy" to the address given on the Sunday before Synod in St John's Darlinghurst by Ms McRae McMahon, who is described in the article as a "lesbian Uniting Church minister"?

        (b) If it is correct, did the Darlinghurst church authorities seek permission to have this lady give that sermon?

        (c) If so, who gave permission on behalf of the Diocese, and why was that permission given, in the light of the Archbishop's strong affirmation of the Lambeth Conference stance on human sexuality?

        To which the President replied -

        (a) Yes, as far as it went.

        (b) No, I am informed that Ms McMahon did not preach a sermon.

        (c) Not relevant.