The Rev Rob Sutherland - Chaplains to the Defence Force

        14. The Rev Rob Sutherland asked -

        In light of our recently adopted mission -

        (a) How many licensed clergy from this Diocese also serve in the Anglican Church's mission to the Australian Defence Force (ADF) as part-time ADF Chaplains?

        (b) Has the Diocese received a request from the ADF or the Anglican Bishop to the ADF to help fill the 6 fully funded currently vacant part-time Army Reserve Anglican Chaplain positions in our region?

        (c) If so what action has been taken?

        To which the President replied -

        I am informed the answers are as follows.

        (a) 10

        (b) There has been correspondence from the Bishop to the Australian Defence Force regarding full- time training positions. To my awareness, there has been no correspondence regarding the vacant part-time chaplaincy positions.

        (c) Not applicable