Mrs Pru Selden - website website

        42. Mrs Pru Selden asked –

        1. On average, how many visitors are there each day to the website?
        2. Has this number increased in the last 12 months?
        3. Is there any indication of where those people accessing the website live?

        To which the President replied -

        I am advised that the answers are as follows -

        1. There is an average of 4,400 individual visits to each day – over 130,000 per month.
        2. As is only 12 months old it is not possible to answer this question. However, as a basis for comparison, the website it replaced ( was averaging 2,000 individual visits each day. In the last 6 months, daily visits to have risen from 3,500 to 4,400. Overall, there has been a 120% increase in traffic to its main news and information site in the last 12 months.
        3. According to the site’s monitoring software, visitors to come from the following countries –

          Australia – 71% (this figure cannot be broken down any further)

          China – 11%

          USA – 11%

          The UK – 3%

          All others – 4%