Mrs Heather Anderson -Embryonic stem cell research

        With reference to the motion on embryonic stem cell research passed on 15 October 2002 without amendment (although an amendment was called on Monday) can we please have clarification in paragraph (b).

        (a) Does this mean that we are calling on no research on embryos created after 5 April or no use of IVF embryos created after 5 April?

        (b) Does it also mean that we agree to the use of embryos for research that were created before 5 April 2002? If not, what is to happen to them?

        (c) What is suggested to happen to "spare" embryos created after 5 April 2002?

        To which the President replied -

        I am informed the answers are as follows.

        (a) I understand paragraph (b) of the motion to advocate that "spare" IVF embryos created after 5 April 2002 should not be used for research.

        The date of 5 April 2002 is significant because the Research Involving Embryos Bill, which is currently before the Senate, only deals with the use of "spare" IVF embryos for the purposes of research created before that date.

        (b) No.

        The Social Issues Executive (which I chair) has consistently suggested that alternatives to research be considered for "spare" IVF embryos created before 5 April. One alternative, which is practised in the United States, is the adoption of spare embryos. If, as is likely, adoption is not possible for all 70,000 embryos in question, it would be better to retain them or to allow them to succumb in the most natural circumstances possible.

        (c) If we were to allow "spare" IVF embryos created before 5 April to succumb, this would be a recognition of the fact that it was wrong to create so many embryos in excess of the needs of IVF in the first place. The Social Issues Executive argues that "spare" embryos should not be created and that this could be achieved by developing technology to store sperm and eggs separately rather than creating embryos and then freezing them. So in essence, what is being suggested is that "spare" embryos not be created at all.

        Could I add that we need to prevent the intentional stockpiling of embryos for research. As a community we must acknowledge our mistake in so doing, grieve the loss of these human lives and make sure it doesn't happen again. We should not be creating an industry out of embryos as research subjects.