Mr Ross Mitchell - Lay administration of Holy Communion

        9. Mr Ross Mitchell asked -

        In the considerations leading up to the proposed motions from Standing Committee on the subject of lay administration of Holy Communion, has the Diocese and/or its Standing Committee sought to obtain legal advice, either formally or informally, on the impacts and/or exposures facing the Diocese and/or persons within it, in relation to proceeding with the passing of the resolutions now before Synod. If so, what was the outcome, and if any advice was provided, can this be made available to those within the Diocese who may be affected by the motions proposed if they pass?

        To which the President replied -

        I am advised that no formal legal advice in the terms referred to in this question was obtained. However the Standing Committee's membership includes many well qualified lawyers who have had the opportunity of commenting on the proposed motions concerning Holy Communion previously before the Synod.