Mr Ross Mitchell - Articles of Religion

        10. Mr Ross Mitchell asked -

        I refer to the article of religion number 34 "Of the Traditions of the Church" and enquire about a situation that could arise where a person involved in the proposed, but somewhat legally uncertain, practice of lay administration and proceeding based on a reliance on what could be seen as Standing Committee and Synod endorsement of the practice, is rebuked openly and publicly by a second church member, acting on the basis of doing that which is recommended in the article, in order that others hearing of this rebuking would be fearful and so less likely to be a party to lay administration of Holy Communion. Could the Synod be advised if the situation has been considered and if so what support there would be in such as case for either or both of the two parties, both acting in good faith as church members and believing their actions to be appropriate, but then suffering a loss in standing and reputation?

        To which the President replied -

        To my recollection the specific scenario raised in the question was not expressly considered by the Standing Committee.