Mr Robert Tong - Statistical Returns 1998

        22. Mr Robert Tong asked -

        For the years 1995, 1996 and 1997 -

        (a) How many parochial units failed to return statistical information requests?

        (b) If reasons were given for the refusal to return the forms what were they?

        To which the President replied -


        1995                        26
        1996                       31
        1997                       49
        Total                     106

        (b) In most cases no reason was supplied. Where reasons were given they were as follows -

        1. On principle, because it is not printed in the year book.

        2. Ministry doesn't fit into the usual patterns,

        3. Never knew what use the material was going to be put, nor who would have access to it.

        4. Their publication in the past had not been a very pleasant or edifying experience.