Mr Robert Shaw - Expenditure on Sexual Misconduct Protocol 1998

        20. Mr Robert Shaw asked -

        In the Statement of Income and Expenditure within the Standing Committee Report, what was the nature of the expenditure listed under "Protocol on Sexual Misconduct", totalling a quarter of a million dollars?

        To which the President replied -

        The sum of $250,000 as it appears in the accounts on pp.20-21 of the Standing Committee Report to the Synod represents a transfer of funds from the Synod Appropriations Ordinance 1996 to the Archbishops Sexual Misconduct Protocol to be available to pay for -

        (a) contact persons who are appointed by the Archbishop for victims of sexual misconduct by church workers

        (b) the provision of counselling for alleged victims and alleged perpetrators and others

        (c) the provision of administrative and legal resources

        (d) the provision of crisis costs

        (e) promulgation of the protocol.

        The actual amount of expenditure on the items above in 1997 was $61,590.