Mr Richard Lambert - Funding for indigenous people's ministry (question 2)

        8. Mr Richard Lambert asked -

        In relation to resolution 25/02 of this Synod which inter alia reads -

        "Synod…urges each parish of the diocese to generously support Indigenous ministry in the diocese any way it can, for example by giving a percentage of any land sales to the Indigenous Peoples' Ministry Trust Fund or by giving 1% of their income to the fund…."

        can the President inform the Synod in respect of the period 1 October 2003 to 30 September 2004 -

        (a) How many parishes are there in this Diocese?

        (b) How many ordinances for sale of property held in trust for a parish contained a provision for a percentage of a land sale to be paid to the trust fund?

        (c) How many ordinances for sale of property held in trust for a parish did not contain such a provision?

        (d) How many parishes have made donations to the trust fund?

        To which the President replied -

        (a) 267

        (b) 1

        (c) 9

        (d) 2