Mr Malcolm Purivs - Anglican media website news stories

        11. Mr Malcolm Purvis asked -

        What is the policy concerning the selection of breaking news stories on the Anglican Media website, in particular the selection of stories from third party sites such as the Sydney Morning Herald?

        To which the President replied -

        The policy of the weblog (breaking news) on the Anglican Media is to act as a Christian news source, with a particular focus on matters of interest to Anglicans in the Diocese of Sydney. A more detailed statement of Anglican Media's policy is set out in an annexure to this answer which will be handed to the questioner and posted on the noticeboard.

        Annexure: Anglican Media Sydney - Policy Document - Weblog (breaking news)

        1. The topical priorities for selection of material to be posted, in order of importance are:

        (a) Evangelical

        (b) Christian

        (c) Anglican


        (a) Sydney

        (b) Australian

        (c) International

        2. Stories that seek to discredit Christianity and/or the Sydney Diocese should be posted within the context of a comment or response that reflects the truth and/or the Sydney Diocesan perspective. For example, an article attacking Moore College could be posted as a link within a response from the College, or along with a comment that reflects the potential errors in the article and points to a response.

        3. Where a criticism/conflict story occurs, and a staff member is uncertain of the appropriate action to be taken, or what the Diocesan stance is on the issue, it should be referred to the CEO or, in that person's absence, the Multi-Media Director.

        4. Unless appointed by the CEO, no non-staff member is to post articles in the weblog.

        5. Anglican Media is under no obligation to post every news item referring to the Anglican Diocese of Sydney in the Anglican Media weblog (breaking news).