Mr Keith Smith - Anglicare's annual report 1999

        8. Mr Keith Smith asked -

        (a) What was the total cost of producing and distributing "Anglicare's Year in Review 31 December, 1998"?

        (b) What percentage did this expenditure represent of the total expenditure for the year 1998?

        (c) What was the mean % expenditure for similar productions for the previous five years?

        To which the President replied -

        (a) The purpose of ANGLICARE's Annual Report is both to inform and to give an account of its activities. Parishes receive the number of copies which they have advised ANGLICARE is appropriate. However, the bulk distribution to parishes accounts for only 25% of the total printed. Supporters, donors, trust fund managers, Government funding departments, ministers, corporations other agencies, and general promotional activity accounts for 75% of the total printed.

        The Audited Financial Reports indicate that ANGLICARE's total expenditure in 1998 was $39,794,400. For simple reckoning, say $40 million.

        I am advised that the production cost for the 1998 Annual Report was $19,682. The printing cost was $25,333 and the postage and handling cost was $14,600. The total cost was $59,615.

        (b) The cost of $59,615 represents an expenditure of 0.15% of the total expenditure in 1998.

        (c) It is difficult to provide a mean average over the past 5 years, because the process was significantly altered and the line item was accounted for differently. To the best of available knowledge, comparing apples with apples, the mean average was 0.13%.

        I am advised that the total cost of ANGLICARE's Division of Communications, i.e. marketing, fundraising, public relations and voluntary services, together with the Division of Corporate Services Management and Administration costs can be expressed at 8.5c of every dollar expended.

        Simply put, over 91c of every dollar is expended in the delivery of the services ANGLICARE provides.