Mr Keith Mason QC 1994

        2. Mr Keith Mason QC asked -

        (a) How many deacons have been ordained in Sydney since 1987?

        (b) How many of these are women?

        (c) How many female deacons are no longer serving in the Diocese of Sydney?

        (d) How many female deacons are currently in full-time parish appointments?

        (e) How many women, lay or clergy, hold licenses to preach in the diocese?

        To which the Archbishop replied -

        I am informed the answers are as follows -

        (a) 176

        (b) 29

        (c) 6: 4 of whom are now in other dioceses and the other 2 have retired.

        (d) 7. In addition, 11 hold positions as full time chaplains, 2 as part time chaplains and 3 have part time parish appointments.

        (e) 62