Mr Bill Leadbetter - Evangelistic programs in secular retirement villages

        Evangelistic programs in secular retirement villages

        34. Mr William (Bill) Leadbetter asked –

        Are there any plans and strategies being considered by the Diocese to encourage and assist parishes to run evangelistic programs in secular retirement villages that are within their parish boundaries?

        To which the President replied -

        I am advised that the answer is as follows –

        There are no programmes specially put in place by the diocese for individual villages. However, any church in our diocese can initiate a ministry in such villages should they be inclined to do so.

        The strategies for doing evangelism in villages may include conducting simple church services with appropriate liturgies, providing purpose designed activities at which trained personnel can speak of Jesus, resourcing churches with appropriate materials and helping churches to co-ordinate ministry in any village that requires such ministry. Organisations such as Evangelism Ministries and the chaplains from the Anglican Retirement Villages can assist local churches to provide such ministry.