Inquiry into Children in Institutional Care 1993

        13. Miss Kath White asked-

        When is the report by Anglicare of action taken in response to the 19/04 inquiry into children in institutional care time tabled to be presented to this Synod?

        To which the President replied -

        I am advised that the answer is as follows -

        By resolution 19/04, the Synod requested that Anglicare prepare a response to the report of the Inquiry into Children in Institutional Care by the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs, which addresses its key recommendations, and asked that this response be presented to the Archbishop, Standing Committee and the Board of Anglicare for action and that a report of action taken be prepared for the 2005 session of Synod.
        This important matter has been given careful consideration.

        Anglicare has presented its response to the Archbishop, the Standing Committee and its own Board. 
        The report outlining Anglicare’s response and the action taken to give effect to this response appears in the green Synod book, beginning at page 97. This report was received by the Synod on Monday, 10 October as per item 14.1 of the business paper for that day.