General Synod - Reception Canon Amendment Canon 1995 Adopting Ordinance 1996

        Explanatory Statement


        1. The Reception Canon 1981 authorises the use of the form of service set out in the schedule to that canon for the reception into communicant membership of the Anglican Church of Australia of a person who has been baptised and who is or was a communicant member of another church which holds the apostolic faith but which is not in full communion with the Anglican Church of Australia. The Reception Canon 1981 was adopted by the Sydney Synod in 1985.

        2. The Reception Canon Amendment Canon 1995 (the "Canon") seeks to amend the Reception Canon 1981 to authorise the use in a diocese which adopts the Canon of such other form or forms of service of reception as may be authorised for use by canon of the General Synod.

        3. The Canon affects the order and good government of the Church within a diocese and does not come into force in a diocese unless and until the synod of the diocese by ordinance, adopts the Canon.


        4. The Standing Committee recommends that the Synod adopt the Reception Canon Amendment Canon 1995.

        For and on behalf of the Standing Committee

        MARK PAYNE
        Legal Officer

        5 February 1997