General Synod - Constitution Amendment (Rights of Non-Members of the General Synod) Canon 1995 Assenting Ordinance 1996

        Explanatory Statement


        1. The purpose of the Constitution Amendment (Rights of Non-Members of the General Synod) Canon 1995 (the "Canon") is to amend the Constitution of the Anglican Church of Australia (set out on pages 122 to 151 inclusive of the 7th Handbook) to enable the General Secretary and Treasurer of the General Synod to attend meetings of the General Synod and propose motions and speak. They will not otherwise be members of the General Synod and will not be permitted to vote or be counted in a quorum.

        2. Currently, the General Secretary and Treasurer attend General Synod meetings and, by resolution, are permitted to speak. The Canon seeks to obviate the need for such a resolution at each meeting.

        3. Under the Constitution the Canon will only come into effect only it at lease ¾ of the diocesan synods (including all the metropolitan sees) give assent by ordinance to the canon, with all such assents being in force at the same time.


        4. The Standing Committee recommends that the Synod assent to the Canon.

        For and on behalf of the Standing Committee

        MARK PAYNE
        Legal Officer

        5 February 1997