General Synod - Constitution Alteration (Composition of General Synod) Canon 1998 Assenting Ordinance 1998

        Explanatory Statement

        1. The Constitution Alteration (Composition of General Synod) Canon 1998 seeks to amend the Constitution of the Anglican Church of Australia (printed on pages 122 to 151 inclusive of The Seventh Handbook) to provide for indigenous representation (as non-diocesan representatives) in the General Synod as follows -

        (a) House of Bishops - an Aboriginal bishop and a Torres Strait Islander bishop.

        (b) House of Clergy - an Aboriginal bishop, priest or deacon and a Torres Strait Islander bishop, priest or deacon.

        (c) House of Laity - an Aboriginal lay person and a Torres Strait Islander lay person.

        2. The canon proposes that the following provisions will apply to these non-diocesan representatives -

        (a) Non-diocesan representatives shall be appointed by the Primate on the recommendation of the body appointed by Canon for that purpose.

        (b) The Primate shall cause non-diocesan representatives to be summoned or convened to a session of Synod as may be specified by Canon.

        (c) A non-diocesan representative must be a communicant member of this Church who is otherwise qualified as may be specified by Canon.

        (d) A non-diocesan representative shall be entitled to such vote in Synod as is permitted or authorised by the Constitution but such vote shall not be counted for the purpose of determining whether a canon or resolution has been assented to by a majority of all dioceses.

        3. A number of minor consequential amendments to the Constitution are also proposed.

        4. Under section 67(1)(c) of the Constitution, the canon will not come into effect unless at least ¾ of the diocesan synods, including all of the metropolitan sees, have assented to it by ordinance with all such assents to be in force at the same time.


        5. The Standing Committee recommends that the Synod assent to the Canon.

        For and on behalf of the Standing Committee

        MARK PAYNE
        Diocesan Secretary
        14 August 1998