General Synod - Admission of Children to Holy Communion Canon 1985 Adopting Ordinance 1997

        No 40, 1997

        An Ordinance to adopt Canon No 6, 1985 of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia.

        The Synod of the Diocese of Sydney Ordains -

        Name of Ordinance

        1. This Ordinance is the General Synod - Admission of Children to Holy Communion Canon 1985 Adopting Ordinance 1997.

        Adoption of Canon No 6, 1985

        2. Canon No 6, 1985 of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia, the text of which is set out in the Schedule, is adopted.


        1. This Canon may be cited as the “Canon for the admission of children to Holy Communion”.

        2. A child who has been baptised but who has not been confirmed, is eligible to be admitted to the Holy Communion if the minister is satisfied that the child has been adequately instructed, gives evidence of appropriate understanding of the nature and meaning of the Holy Communion and has fulfilled the conditions of repentance and faith; and if the child, with the sponsorship of his or her parents or of other confirmed members of the congregation, seeks such admission while awaiting Confirmation.

        3. (1) The bishop of the diocese may make regulations, not inconsistent with ordinances (if any) made under subsection (2), concerning the practice and procedure in relation to the admission of children to the Holy Communion under this canon.

        (2) The Synod of the diocese may, by ordinance, regulate the practice and procedure in relation to the admission of children to the Holy Communion under this canon.

        4. This canon affects the order and good government of the Church within a diocese and shall not come into force in any diocese unless and until the diocese by ordinance adopts the canon.

        I Certify that the Ordinance as printed is in accordance with the Ordinance as reported.

        N.M. CAMERON
        Chairman of Committees

        We Certify that this Ordinance was passed by the Synod of the Diocese of Sydney on 13 October 1997.

        C.J. MORONEY
        W.G.S. GOTLEY

        Secretaries of Synod

        I Assent to this Ordinance.

        R.H. GOODHEW
        Archbishop of Sydney
