In relation to the recommended grant of $35,000 to the Diocese of North West Australia in the 6th Schedule to the bill for the Synod Appropriations Ordinance 1995 (out of an amount sought of $67,000), what are the projects and costings for which Bishop Nicholls is seeking funding?8. Mr Robert Tong asked -
To which the Archbishop replied -
I an advised the answer is as follows -
Bishop Nicholls is seeking funding for -
Support for the provision of chaplaincy at Exmouth | |
by a Moore College trained person | 18,000 |
Theological Training Grant to enable NW Australia to send | |
ordinands and clergy to the Perth Centre for Applied Christian | |
Studies | 10,000 |
Support for the ministry of the Bishop by supplying the | |
shortfall of See Fund income | 39,000 |
Total | 67,000 |