Diocese of North West Australia - Mr Robert Tong

        In relation to the recommended grant of $35,000 to the Diocese of North West Australia in the 6th Schedule to the bill for the Synod Appropriations Ordinance 1995 (out of an amount sought of $67,000), what are the projects and costings for which Bishop Nicholls is seeking funding?8. Mr Robert Tong asked -

        To which the Archbishop replied -

        I an advised the answer is as follows -

        Bishop Nicholls is seeking funding for -

        Support for the provision of chaplaincy at Exmouth
        by a Moore College trained person 18,000
        Theological Training Grant to enable NW Australia to send
        ordinands and clergy to the Perth Centre for Applied Christian
        Studies 10,000
        Support for the ministry of the Bishop by supplying the
        shortfall of See Fund income 39,000
        Total 67,000