Area Deanery Chapters - The Rev Stephen Gabbott 1997

        9. The Rev Stephen Gabbott asked -

        For what purpose or purposes are the Area Deanery Chapters constituted?

        To which the President replied -

        Area Deaneries - formerly Rural Deaneries - are an ancient institution of the Anglican Church.

        The Standing Committee reported to the Synod on "Rules for the Formation and Guidance of Rural Deanery Chapters" in 1871 where Chapters were seen to be constituted for the "edification of members and the extension of religion within the Rural Deanery and throughout the church."

        In February 1996 a report stated that Area Deanery Chapters were "to bring clergy into closer union and to develop the advantages of the parochial system. Parishes may well be able to do in co-operation more than each can achieve on their own."

        One of the responsibilities of the Area Dean is to convene meetings of the Chapter and to make such meetings useful forums for real discussion and refreshment.

        A majority of Chapter under the provisions of the Area Deanery Conference Ordinance 1965 may call for an Area Deanery Conference for the purposes of discussing matters of mutual or common interest in the life of the church.