The Registry of the Diocese of Sydney is part of the Archbishop’s Office. The Registry collects various records for the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, as required under various administrative ordinances of the Diocese.  Records which are no longer current are accessed from the Sydney Diocesan Archives.

        Some of the work of the Registry includes:

           •   Licensing – which includes clergy, lay ministers, churches, faculties etc; 
           •   Collection of the Annual General Meeting of Parishioners returns and maintaining these records; 
           •   Maintaining the records of all Synod Representatives – elected/appointed; 
           •   Co-ordination of Nomination Boards; 
           •   The publication of the Diocesan Year Book which includes the collection and the maintenance of this information.

        The Registry of the Diocese of Sydney is responsible for facilitating the work of the Archbishop. The Registry encourages the assistance of users of the secure website to help maintain their records held in the Registry database. We hope that having this information available on a secure internet site will increase the accuracy of the information held as it can be easily accessed and updated at anytime. 

        Marriage Celebrant information can be found under the For Clergy menu.



        General Meetings, Parish Councils, Wardens, Safe Ministry Representative etc

        Synod Representatives

        Safe Ministry Representative

        Nomination Board Representatives


        Annual Statistics